Excessive fear can create personality and psychological development of children is very bad person, even to make it mentally weak and overwhelmed another personality crisis. Though this life requires a strong mental resilience, excellence and become strong.
Coward soul does not happen by itself, but as the impact of attitude as follows;
1. Mendongengkan lurid stories, such as about jinn or demons. Actually, the tales of heroism and adventure more to educate and foster a brave soul.
2. The mothers love to scare the kids with the darkness. To remove fear (phobia) of the child's feelings, gandenglah hand towards the dark room, explaining that the feared it was not there. Then the children get used to always sleep with the lights turned off.
3. Besides space and dark atmosphere, the mothers often frighten the animals, for example, cockroaches, rats, worms and so forth. Thereby making the child becomes disgusted and frightened by berlabihan, then etched in his soul and is very difficult neutralized again. Even his own mother was so "disgusted" that the child's bandwagon. Although mothers should feel disgust and fear, must hide her phobinyaitu, in order to reduce the sense of "horror" on the child.
One of the means to be human is not the all fear; fear of harm, fear of failure, fear of animals, fear of the dark and the other is to be trust in Allah, and to train themselves gradually to foster courage in all areas. Mothers who spirited coward would make a serious impact on people, because ditangannyalah placed a new generation of personality development.
Dr. Ahmad Amin in his book "Fiadhul Khootir (The Excessive concern) said:" The biggest responsibility for the education of a child in the hands of the mother. Woman or mother is a myriad of hope for the people. Heart of a mother to be brave like a guard who was not daunted by the variety of Scud attacks, boombardir weapons, blast bombs and traps mines. No matter the attack from the sea, land or air. A mother should tough to drive the best sons and daughters to jump into the battlefield fighting against the enemy. It is appropriate to say the woman is a guard who creates in the soul of heroic sons and daughters of the nation. One great if some thought that the army men with weapons lenkap enough without the support of "troops who escorted the woman to his heart.
4. One Education. Lots of fear caused educates parents if I was wrong. The father often apply in home education the hard way; give heavy sanctions and threats. Attitudes such as this lead shriveled hearts of children, a growing sense of fear of excessive and unstable soul.
5. A bad memory. Childhood experiences that never happened, over something that happened to him, can also be added causal timid child. To overcome this we need observations on the base of the cause, then try mentherapinya appropriately.
Hopefully by this reference, we can overcome the problem of children. #####
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