Children do not be lazy handled incorrectly. Punish and humiliate not change the right way, maybe even make a child become self-conscious and less confident. Kepribadiannyapun become sluggish. Slacker child needs attention and an appropriate therapy.
What causes the child became an idler?
Many factors influence it, among others;
1. Disease Anemia (lack of blood)
If you see your child's condition lethargic, less passionate and lazy eating, quick check with your doctor to get healing.
2. How to Educate ynag Wrong
How to educate the hard (authoritarian) and threatening, making a child's brain becomes dull. As a result the child is not responsive to the environment.
3. Pampered
Love mom and dad yangb excessive, making the child's feelings to be blunt, do not want to understand other people, do not have the spirit of tolerance and indifference to the environment.
4. How Teaching In Schools The Passive
Teaching methods text books, passive, not creative and make your child look lazy. Yangb subjects also too dense and coercion menmbuat child feels very heavy and reluctant. Should be included in teaching compassion teachers. Compassion is the main requirement seorangb children as well as eating.
5. Parents Keacuhan
Both parents do not participate when the child first enters school, when something new is very confusing for small children. Therefore, the involvement of parents, especially mothers, it helps your child enters his new world. If the father and mother did not get to drive and stayed with him, could be replaced by another family anggouta or servant.
6. Houses that do not Rapi
Housing conditions are chaotic, not clean and untidy, make the concentration to learn the child to be disturbed. His mind does not become clear and ultimately not excited when they want to go to school. @ @ @
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