Emotion is a psychological phenomenon that can not be muted immediately. Emotions can be controlled by way of restraint and control. Self-control should be trained on the child's parents, for it is the most appropriate treatment. There's no way his father and mother can stop relying denganb strength. Emotions are controlled from within ourselves is the most good, moderate control from the outside actually makes children become depressed and troubled soul, his personality might rupture. Therefore, parents should be careful. Make the child is able to put the brakes on its own all the turmoil that attacks the soul.
Why is emotional child?
A child will rebel as pelampiasannya against the prohibitions of their parents. For example, children who are prohibited bmain, the child must be mutiny. Like playing is the nature of the child, the nature. Parents and teachers should be sensitive attention to this problem. Do not like banning children not to play as long as it does not harm him. Arena can be transferred with the harmful activities that contain challenges but has great educational value. It has also been we describe above.
What Causes Emotional Child?
Many factors that cause children to become emotional, among others;
1. Iri Heart And Jealousy.
Parents who do not show love and equal attention to children's children can trigger jealousy. Unfair treatment will memercikan rage a brother against brother or vice versa. Religion gave the order for the membewri something, parents should be fair.
2. Brother Or Friend of annoyance.
Annoyance brother or friend's friend will make the child angry. To avoid further commotion, she should be separated with her friends who like to disrupt.
3. Imitating Daddy's attitude - his mother.
Parents who emotionally automatically lead to the same trait. Berakhklan restraint and patience is a must exemplified akhklak parents towards their children as a teaching akhklak and personality.
4. Capacity Exceeded Expenses.
Do not give tasks that exceed the limits on your baby. Will not produce anything except disobedience alone. Excessive Anger will lead to heart disease and hypertension.
If the child cries too much, with "kelosotan on the floor", and then scratching the face and body, "demonstration" of this kind should be immediately discontinued. You can consult with a physician psychiatric children. Car is very good in dealing with your children appropriately.
At times, anger, crying that is the way he wants to sulk for terraih. We must be vigilant, sulking like that is not always our tolerance. By not always obey rengekkannya, the nature of sulking like that will stop by itself.
Although the nature of anger was not good, Tati do not extinguished altogether. Anger as a general psychiatric symptoms is still needed by humans. Good handling is to train the child to control himself so as not excessive. Even if your child has a temperament like that, we can distribute it to the proper functions, for example, to defend her honor and so forth.
"Beware you of the anger, that he is a glowing ember in the hearts of the descendants of Adam. It is not you look to someone of you when he is angry with how his eyes became red and her neck muscles tense. And if someone would be angry, let him lie down or put him to the ground. "
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