There are several causes that need to be, why sianak become rebels, namely;
1. Too Many Tasks Filled Si Disadvantaged Children
Expenses that this makes the child suppress revolt. To melerainya we can give that the tasks that must be implemented it is very helpful to him if properly fulfilled.
2. Both Parents Not In The Attitude
If the father ordered the child to be this way then the mother must also be an attitude. Per5bedaan between father and mother's attitude in dealing with children, make children become rebellious.
3. An Education Expert Says;
Revolt of the child is an expression of self-defense against orangb parents, though it's not proportional. Rebellion children can also arise from the condition of exhaustion that makes children emotionally unstable.
4. Appearances Educators The charismatic No
Performance (performance), an educator who is not charismatic, makes the children become reluctant to him. Often parents push and sent sianak based on his own ambition is one of the factors causing the child to be defiant and rebellious.
Parents are required to fix the condition, by changing his attitude is wrong. start by not ruling and ordered to do something that is not capable of implementation. If the child remains bundle, refuse orders, the parents do not easily give up. Finish up by giving advice that his hard stance was not helpful, give the sense also that convey the desire to be done with a calm and polite manner.
5. Governing With the Urgent mode
If you demand the child immediately execute your commands, the result is not the fulfillment of the command, tetapin quite the contrary, the child will rebel. So sometimes succumb actions more wisely. Give children freedom in wills.
6. Parent Attitudes Unfair
Attitudes to distinguish between children with one another, can foster a sense of envy and resentment. In the end, make them like disobedient, memberontaj and ornery.
7. Rigid attitude Parents
The emergence of disobedience and rebellion of a child can also be caused by parents' attitudes are rigid, hard and did not want to compromise. In fact, if done with a soft, gentle and wise it will be better results.
8. Over Protective (protection of the excessive)
The mothers often feel a sense of excessive anxiety over their children. I'm scared to fall from trees, float times and so forth, so that her children locked up in a home with constant supervision. Try the kids to know nature and to give freedom to play in the open. @ @ @
Religion has the ability in the direction toward humans. Kahidupan we will be crippled if our souls ruled by sheer lust. A folosof said: "People without faith (religion) is very dangerous to himself and society." How do we form a belief on our children's self?
There are three stages:
1. Understanding and Control
With an understanding of nature formed the child's thinking about faith. We explain the importance of those beliefs batapa SetIP human life. We direct them to witness the phenomena of nature, then we BWA into the nature of faith about the essence and nature of Almighty God glory. We invested in the person of the child that, underestimate and ignore the faith that makes no sense.
2. Growing Pain Love Of God.
We can direct the child's soul to the belief that the way to grow strong with the love of God, that how God gave telh yng pleasures infinite and incomparable to any human.
3. Fostering diversity By Ajeg (countinue)
With religious activity that is steady, we can direct our kids confidence to the belief that solid. We are building with continuous, it will menancaplah faith in their hearts.
There are several examples of this, for example, we show about the wonders of nature as God's creation, how awesome His system is implemented, regularly and carefully. After that we bring them to the essence of God pikirn, selanjutny kit show at every appearance of Maha Her love of God, Most Benevolent, the Supreme Court and so on. We could mention all the pleasure and the good that will be accepted by the believers and the pious on the Day of Judgement in the future.
The next stage we motivate children to do and do things that can strengthen the faith until the act becomes a habit which had settled. The first stage in the strengthening of this faith is to keep them away from the hesitant and indecisive attitude towards God. We guide them with patience until it tetanam sturdy faith. @@@
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